The Master Guide (MG) Ministry is one of the leadership programs that the General Conference Youth Ministries Department uses to train people for youth leadership. The Master Guide helps the Adventurer, Pathfinders, TLTs, AY or Youth Ministries of the local church and/or conference in leadership training, discipleship, and outreach endeavors. The Master Guide Ministry is not an extension of the Pathfinder program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Michel Rodriguez, Youth Director
Wanda Vazquez, Master Guide Coordinator
Club Guidelines
All clubs must be authorized and registered with the conference and comply with Risk Management requirements, Sterling Volunteers, and Background checks.
All members must be enrolled in serving Adventurers, Pathfinders, TLTs, and or any approved AY Ministry for the GSC.
The Scarf recommended to use is the Counselors Scarf for Pathfinders, the Pathfinder Scarf, or the Adventurer Scarf for candidates collaborating with the Clubs.
Master Guide clubs should be divided into areas, districts, federations, etc.
Master Guides in training should be under the sponsorship of an invested Master Guide registered with the GSC.
Master Guide Ministry provides trained leaders to the Adventurer, Pathfinders, TLTs, and or Youth Ministries of the local church, and the Conference in leadership training, discipleship, and outreach endeavors.
All invested Master Guides lay members or Pastors from other Conferences or Unions, willing to serve our children in the church, should consider getting certified or re-certified with our GSC Master Guide program. (See Recertification Form).
The Master Guide Program is at the highest level of Adventist Youth Ministries. The Master Guides are leaders that serve the church in all areas of the Youth Ministry. Its curriculum is designed for youth and adults, ages 16 and older. It prepares the participant for leadership roles with the Adventurer, Pathfinder, Youth Ministries, and Children’s Ministries. The emphasis is on in-service training and active involvement in learning new skills and developing methods for successful leadership. The purpose of the Master Guide curriculum is to develop youth leadership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The Basics
Mission - To empower leaders through effective training, equipping, and deploying them for service.
Pledge - “Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Youth Ministry doing what I can to finish the work of the gospel in all the world.”
Purpose - Develop Christ-like leaders to disciple children, youth, and young adults.
Online Resources
A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventist
Memorable Dates from Our Adventist Past
Red Cross First Aid & CPR Requirements
The Message Behind the Movement
Steps to Discipleship Curriculum
Messages to Young People by Ellen White
Heartwarming Stories of Pioneers
Positive Church in a Negative World
Developing the Leader Within You
Contact the Area Coordinator
For more information on the Webinars please fill out the following form and we will get back to you.
If you participated in one of the above seminars please download and fill in the questionnaire. Please send back to the email at the bottom of the Questionnaire for your certification. After completion please present certificate to your Club Director and or Area Coordinator when you request investiture. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices or your local Area Coordinator.
Adventist Screening Verification is a requirement of the Gulf States Conference and the North American Division.
All staff and volunteers 18 years old and older working with Pathfinders, Adventurers, Master Guide or any other youth program must be certified through Adventist Screening Verification in completion of the child safety training and background check.