Pathfinder Bible Experience FEB. 17, 2024

Cesar Lopez Director for the GSC PBE.jpg

PBE Director

Cesar López, MG


About pbe

The Pathfinder Bible Experience is the Official North American Division Pathfinder Bible study program. Also known as the Bible Bowl. Each year, teams of six club members study a book of the Bible (alternating Old Testament and New Testament), memorizing large portions of God's word.

There are four levels of competition - Area, Conference, Union, and Division. The Pathfinders are tested over the assigned study books as well as the SDA Bible Commentary Introduction to each study book.

At each level, the teams scoring 90% or higher of the highest score at their testing site make 1st place and are invited to go on to the next level. The winning teams are extreme students of the Bible and in most cases memorize chapters and in some cases the entire book(s). Winning teams incorporate the Total Church Involvement approach. This means they have study coaches but also involve the church elders and other members of the local church to assist in making up sample tests, friendly competition against the elders to see who is the better student of the Bible, become involved in worships made up of talks from subject matter from the assigned study book(s). The students may also perform dramas depicting some of the Biblical stories from their assigned study book.

The Pathfinder Bible Experience How-to Guide will assist you in organizing your local Pathfinder PBE Team.

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 (NKJV)

Congratulations to our 2022 PBE TEAM!

GSC Pathfinders win 1st at NAD!

The Birmingham Highrisers from the Gulf States Conference jump for joy when awarded their placement results by Gene Clapp, NAD PBE coordinator. Photo by Anthony White/North Pacific Union Conference

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalms 119:105 (NKJV)

be ready!!!

Desbravador apontando com as duas mãos.png

Future PBE Study Books:
2024 - Joshua & Judges
2025 - Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians
2026 - Isaiah (ch 1 - 46)
2027 - Isaiah (ch 47 - 66) & Mark

Local Clubs Forms:

Please bring a signed copy to your area, conference, union, and division events.

Please bring a signed copy FOR EACH PARTICIPANT to your area, conference, union, and division events.


Southern Union PBE: MARCH 23, 2024

Location: River Oaks Campground

524 Neeses HWY

Orangeburg, SC 29115