The Gulf States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is comprised of the geographical territories of Alabama, Mississippi, and Northwest Florida with headquarters located in Montgomery, Alabama.


We are filled with southern hospitality and from the Appalachian mountains to the Gulf Coast, we are surrounded by the natural beauty of God's creation.

Scroll down to view our team members as well official documents of our conference.




Brian Danese

Martin Fancher
Executive Secretary


Gwen Speak


Josh Murillo
Ministerial Director

Scott Bowes
Superintendent of Education

Katherine Bowes
Director of Human Resources



Directors & Staff

Kelsey Abbott
Education Assistant

Brian Halley
IT/Auditing Director

Ruwie Vazquez-Juarez
Executive Assistant

Health Ministries

Gerson Sanchez
Hispanic Ministries

Dania Murillo
Administrative Assistant for
Hispanic Ministries

Halen Stonewall
Senior Accountant

Mary Nelson
Prayer Ministries Coordinator

Michel Rodriguez
Youth Director

Elizabeth Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant for the Youth Department

Daniel M. Claudet
Communication Director

David Sigamani
Publishing & Trust Services

Sherri Fancher
Conference Clerk/Receptionist

George Hamilton
Disabilities Ministries

Linda Thompson
Treasury Assistant

George Decker
Religious Liberty

Steve Radford
Prison Ministries

and Bylaws

Click below to view and download, if desired, the complete constitution and bylaws of the Gulf States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.