December Update

2 Min Read


It is hard to believe that in a few weeks, 2020 will be in the books. What a year! It seemed so short in some ways, and in other ways, it has felt like years. It is hard to always track the hand of Providence as it guides us towards Jesus’ return. Often in the Bible, you wonder why God allows things to happen, only later to realize that the difficult circumstance was a part of God’s leading and guiding of His people. I don’t know how this year will fit in God’s leading, but I look forward to the day the curtains are pulled back, and we see his Hand of Mercy like the Great Shepherd leading us home.

As this year closes, I want to express my appreciation and admiration to all of our employees and members here in the Gulf States Conference. Since March, I have preached in twenty-three churches. It has amazed me how each church has worked through this challenge in their own way. Our members, church boards, and local church leaders have done a great job navigating the ever-changing waters. In addition, our pastors have kept pastoring, our teachers kept teaching, and our office staff has continued to be there to support ministry in the Gulf States Conference. I am humbled when I think of the hard work and creative solutions that have grown up in the light of this challenging circumstance. I believe that God’s Spirit has been leading our churches and schools as we stay focused on our mission.

God has blessed Gulf States this year with almost three hundred people joining our movement and another three hundred students in our schools. The financial faithfulness of our members is so inspiring. God has blessed our members, and they have been faithful. Because of this, our tithe has remained strong. I just want each of you to know that your faithfulness has inspired me, and I ask for your prayers as we look forward to seeing our Savior’s return.

BMA Endowment

The Bass Memorial Academy Endowment is now at $2,290,000. Thank you for your continued support! Feel free to give using the tithe envelopes with your local church or online at If you would like to learn more about the endowment, please visit

Brian Danese