Mobile Junior Academy Featured in Local News

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MOBILE, Ala. (WPMI) — A local printing company continues to re-make its business in the wake of the coronavirus.

Now, it's cranking out thousands of desk defenders to keep students safe in the classroom.

It's pretty easy. Students just open it up and set it on their desk or wherever they are and they have a layer of protection. It's the same plastic used in medical settings and it's portable.

Classrooms at Mobile Junior Academy look a little different this year.

Desk shields from Calagaz Printing are placed on every desk.

Principal Wesley Gennick says with the coronavirus pandemic, this extra protection provides some relief for students.

"It was just one more way to add safety. I think it has been paying off," he said.

Not only has it helped stop the spread of Covid-19, it's allowed students to face each other and move around.

Gennick has even allowed the kids to be creative with them.

Audrey colored hearts on her desk shield and added her favorite pictures. Other students have placed stickers on theirs.

"The kids like to decorate them. We move a lot in this class because we do things in our library and out the hallway they work in small groups and these are light and portable. They can just pick it up and have that barrier of protection," said Gennick.

With a surplus in plastic, Calagaz Printing -- started this project in July and reached out to local school districts.

Shields are designed in different sizes for all desks, and tables and budgeted so schools can purchase them with funds with the CARES Act.

A defender costs 35 dollars apiece.

"It was really in an effort to not have the money come out of their pockets directly but utilize the funds that had been provided to them specifically for this need," said Michael Cuesta, director of sales.

Michael Cuesta, says it's all about providing comfort to parents and students.

"We focused on our state specifically in Alabama from there we have grown to different counties and we have done about 5,000 of them," said Cuesta.

Mobile Chrisitan is also using the plastic defenders. They are available in the school's bookstore.

Callagaz says the shields do not have to be purchased in bulk. They can be purchased one at a time.