July 12-28, 2020 — Chinle, AZ
Teen Mission Outreach is traveling to Chinle, Arizona! [The location on the flyer was a misprint.] We will be working in the community, doing service projects, and conducting a Vacation Bible School program for the local children. The scenery along the way is breathtaking. You'll make new friends, learn what it means to serve as Jesus did, and grow in your faith. This is your opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you have never been a part of someone's experience with God, it is truly life-changing. If you long for a deeper, stronger walk with God and a boldness like never before, then you NEED to do this!
30 person limit
AGE 13+: $400/person
Sign up and $50 deposit by April 1. Full payment due by June 1.