Elders, Deacons and Deaconess Retreat

The Elders, Deacons and Deaconess retreat was held at Camp Alamisco the weekend of December 9. The theme was “Christ’s way to a thriving spiritual life”, with relevant messages presented by guest speaker Dr. Phillip Samaan, who served for more than 20 years at Southern Adventist University as a professor in the School of Religion.


Leaders from different regions of our territory joined for this crucial retreat with the desire to learn more about how to improve their ministries in their local churches.


“We came together for this holy convocation, and learned the Jesus method of doing evangelistic work”, said Pauline Brown-Baylock, Deaconess at State Line SDA Church in Alabama.


“It is a great time to gather in Camp Alamisco with our Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses. It is important that as a leader we all get away and get time of refreshing and fellowship, so we are thankful for those who were able to come. It was a spiritual blessing here with Doctor Samaan, so thankful for the messages of encouragement that he shared, said Gulf States Conference’s President Brian Danese.


The most fantastic part of being an early childhood educator is watching children develop personal relationships with Jesus. So many students have come into our pre-K and kindergarten classrooms asking what prayer is, who Jesus is, or what a Bible is. What a privilege it is to respond to these questions! The answers are not simple definitions, discussions, or even whole units of study; instead, they are found in a personal relationship that develops only through the work of the Holy Spirit with each child.

As an early childhood educator, I provide a safe, engaging environment that supports students’ spiritual development. Of course, what that looks like varies from day to day and classroom to classroom, but here are some of my favorite activities that help students’ spiritual development:

First, we always begin and end our day with prayer. Students get excited about the concept that the Creator of the universe cares to listen to anything we want to bring to Him. During prayer request time, students share their concerns and praises with the class, and we bring them to God together. Students eagerly take turns being the prayer leader. We talk about how God always listens to our prayers. He loves us and always answers in the best way. Just like parents and caregivers, God doesn’t always give us what we ask for, but we can trust that He always does what is best for us. Students get into the habit of praying for each other and themselves, and thanking God for blessings they notice throughout the day.

At the beginning of the year, we set up a prayer station where students can have quiet time with God and pray about anything they want. Students enjoy different activities at the prayer station, like making prayer chains, listening to music while they pray, or making books about prayers God has answered.

Throughout the year, we discuss how the Bible is not just another ordinary book of fiction. It is the true Word of God. It contains all of the important information Jesus wants us to know here on Earth so we can spend eternity with Him. Students learn to treat the Bible with reverence. They understand that we can trust the Bible because we can always trust its Author, God. We learn about Christ’s nature through the stories, and discuss how He wants us to treat each other.

Each week, we study a new Bible story. We learn about the story’s context, discuss the characters’ feelings and choices, look for the lessons God has for us in each story, and participate in activities that help students better understand concepts. One of my favorite lessons is the story in Mark 2:1-12 of the four men who lowered their paralyzed friend through the roof so Jesus could heal him. For this lesson, we use cardboard, mud, leaves, and pine straw to make a house with a flat roof. This helps students better understand what houses looked like in biblical times, and how the four men made a hole in the ceiling. When we study Jonah, students participate in an object-lesson activity where they try to run away from their shadows. Just like their shadows, God is always with them.

Bible stories are usually a springboard for deep student-led conversations and lessons. For example, after we study Mark 2:1-12, students almost always ask about the hole that was left in the roof. Did the homeowners forgive the four men? Did the man who was healed help fix the roof? Students share what they would have done. I ask what they think Jesus would have done. Similarly, students ponder what Jonah would have felt like and smelled like after spending three days in the belly of the fish. What would have happened to Jonah in the storm if the fish had not swallowed him? Would the story have ended differently if Jonah had obeyed God the first time He told him to go to Nineveh? What can we learn from this?

Students take home a simplified version of the Bible story or a Bible craft each Friday to tell their families the Bible story in their own words. We practice the story in class, and students leave eager to share the Word of God with their families and friends. When they come back to school on Monday, I invite students to share their experiences. Students gain a sense of accomplishment, and find joy in spreading the Gospel message.

While my work focuses on bringing children to develop a personal relationship with Christ, children have much to teach us in this area. Matthew 18:2-4 NIV says, “He called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them. And He said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’” From birth, children have an innate expectation for caregivers to meet their needs. They begin life with faith and the ability to completely trust in their caregivers and what we present to them as true. Experience in this sin-laden world teaches us to doubt. Therefore, teaching children that they can trust in Jesus in these precious early years is extremely important.


The pandemic changed our lives. Church services went virtual. Gatherings were set on calendars labeled as “zoom meetings” or “virtual Bible study.” Church leaders intentionally invested in developing a robust digital evangelism plan to meet the needs of this ever-changing world. Then, things went back to “normal.” Most churches resumed their in-person services. However, a new platform for sharing the Gospel became a part of the fabric of church outreach in the digital space. The call from Jesus to “make disciples of all the nations, baptizing and teaching them…,” Matthew 28:19, 20, is the same as it has ever been. Recognizing the constant need for quality and consistent online content within their territory and the world, the Gulf States Conference decided to plant a digital church.

The Digital Church was founded with a driving purpose, to share the everlasting Gospel in a new and expanding digital society. This is the first fully Digital Church in the Southern Union Conference. Its services are held on a weekly basis, every Friday evening on social media platforms. The launch is set for December 9, 2022, with its first sermon series entitled, “Jesus.” The pastoral team of the Digital Church includes Brian Danese, senior pastor and Gulf States president; Marcelo Mansur, associate pastor; Daniel Claudet, media pastor and Gulf States communication director; and Edwin Quinjada, worship pastor. The Digital Church will provide local churches with contacts that may have watched the service online, and are now looking for a local congregation to attend. Claudet said, “I am thrilled about this initiative. We move forward by God’s grace and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

The Barna Research Group, in their article entitled, “A New Chapter in Millennial Church Attendance,” reported that “millennials most likely … embrace hybrid worship.” Before the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the church attendance happened exclusively in person. Today, that’s only true for about half of churched adults. In fact, one in five (20%) is still primarily attending online, and one in four (26%) is mixing online and in-person worship.” The Gulf States Conference has a total membership of 13,054 (as of September 14, 2021) congregating in 89 churches throughout the Gulf States territory.

Ellen G. White wrote, “It is our duty now to employ every possible means to help in the proclamation of the truth,” The Publishing Ministry, p. 57-58. The Gulf States Digital Church heeds this call. It strives to serve its people by developing engaging social media content, biblical messages, and online interactivity within the new service. If you would like to subscribe to the Digital Church Community, email us at digitalchurch@gscsda.org, or follow us on our Facebook page @gulfstatesconference, or our Instagram page @gulfstatesconference. We believe “This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come,” Matthew 24:14. Jesus is coming soon!


The Gulf States Hispanic Ministries Department organized a mission trip to Cuba from November 25 to December 5, 2022, where 11 pastors and 10 laymen were divided in 14 local churches in the country’s capital, La Havana, and one church in the Matanzas Province which is in the western territory of the Cuban Conference.

As a result of the mission trip, 131 people were baptized on Sabbath, December 3, 2022, and more than 500 people are now seeking Bible studies.

“I am moved to have witnessed the miracles that happened this week. It was evident that the Holy Spirit was among us here in Cuba,” stated Gerson Sánchez, Hispanic ministries coordinator.

The mission trip ended with a closing ceremony at the LaVibora Church, where guest singer Hugo Yin inspired the attendees with songs and his personal testimony. More than 300 people came from different churches in La Havana to the ceremony.

“Our gratitude to the pastors, laymen, and the administration of the Gulf States Conference, who dedicated their time and efforts to come all the way to Cuba and make a difference in our church members’ and our lives,” said Roberto Hernandez, president of the West Cuban Conference.


Daniel Claudet, director of the Gulf States Conference Communication Department, organized the first Conference-wide Adventist Digital Evangelism Training (ADET) at the Conference headquarters in Montgomery, Ala. With more than 120 local church communication leaders and pastors, the event provided invaluable tools ranging from social media strategy to graphic design and video production. While training and education were core values, spiritual encouragement and lifelong connections were also made possible.

Claudet envisioned an event where local communication leaders would receive the best resources while connecting personally and digitally. Local leaders can now network and share ideas, testimonies, and challenges. As a result of this gathering, a Facebook group called “Digital Community of the Gulf States Conference” was created. This group allows the local attendees to continue sharing how the local work is progressing within their contexts and fostering an online support community.

ADET 2022 speakers include Justin Baham, General Conference legal counsel; Art Brondo, North American Division Communication Department; Pablo Hernandez, Southern Adventist University; Kevin Wilson, Andrews University; Robert Koorenny, Voice of Prophecy; and Jonathan Burt, Hope Channel. Training modules included graphic design by Joanna Toumma; video production and drone operation by Andy Montejo; worship essentials by Michelle Alonso; social media engagement by Mumi Valdes; and basic audio training by Chris Feldmann.

Teacher's Retreat

Teachers from all educational institutions in the GSC territory gathered for their annual retreat at Camp Alamisco from September 29 till October 2nd. This is a time for our teachers to acquire tools that will enhance their professional life and also find encouragement and fellowship among other teachers.

"Coming to a teachers' convention we can join with other teachers, to allow us to come together and realize that we are all in this together," said College Drive school Principal Ashley Neill. "We all go through the same struggles, we all have the same successes, and we can bond with each other and know we are not alone in our mission to bring Jesus to our students every day," added the teacher from College Drive Christian School in Jackson, MS.

New Life SDA Church – Community Service

The New Life SDA Church, from Defuniak Springs, Florida, held a different kind of community outreach on Sunday, September 18. The church's youth groups offered drivers a free car wash and the opportunity to pray with them. But this was only one of the activities that marked New Life's Impact calendar. They gave out bottles of fresh water at a local park, offered a special dinner at the church for the Fire and Sheriff's departments and assisted the elderly with yard cleaning.

New Life's pastor, Omar Montilla, who was washing cars with the youth, said people were quite surprised once they realized they were doing this for free and as a way of showing God's love and serving nature. A perception experienced not only for those who received the service, but also for the ones serving. "Many of the kids washing cars here with us are not even members of the church, they are members of our Pathfinders and Adventure's Clubs, and we are just happy to let them know that Jesus loves them and that Jesus takes care of them."

Huntsville Hispanic Church Inauguration

Photo: Daniel Claudet

September 17 was a memorable day for the Hispanic church community in Huntsville, Alabama. It marked the inauguration of their new church! "What happened here today attests to the fact that God continues to move within His church, for the church keeps moving forward," said Gerson Sanchez, GSC Hispanic Coordinator. According to local Pastor Orelbis Herrera, the acquisition of the new church building results from years of prayer. Herrera believes the church can be a lighthouse in a neighborhood populated by Central American families, especially Mexican and Guatemalan, that can find in the church community new friends and a new home.

Decatur SDA Church hosts a local Camp Meeting

The Decatur SDA Church hosted the first-time one-day Mini Camp Meeting with the following area districts: The Shoals SDA, Cullman SDA, Decatur SDA, and the Athens SDA Churches in Decatur, AL, on Sunday, August.

85 church members gathered for this special camp meeting.

Pastor Vladimir Polanco, Decatur SDA Church Pastor, invited the Gulf States Conference President, Pastor Brian Danese, as a guest speaker for this event.

The theme was "The Transforming Love of God."

The morning message was about the gracious love of God, what He has done for us and why we want to give back to Him by loving our neighbor, and the afternoon message was about getting into a deep, life-changing experience with God and how to make a relationship with Him.

Hispanic Women's Ministry Retreat

Stress, fear, anguish. Falling asleep in tranquility every night is no longer a natural experience to everyone. In fact, it's possible to say that we live in an anxiety epidemic. The rhythm of life has been dramatically altered, our resources are becoming scarcer, but our desires to have things or be someone we are not, have only increased. 

The illusion that we can have everything under control and that we must do things better and faster consumes our energy. Sooner or later, anxiety takes over. Sometimes to the point of paralyzing us.    

Thinking of ways to address this issue and suggest practical ways to deal with anxiety, the GSC's Hispanic Ministries promoted a women's retreat, or better said un "Retiro de Damas," from August 19 through 21. The event held at Camp Alamisco was designed to speak especially to women's needs and help them "to face anxiety with faith."

 Special guests, Miriam Solórzano and Elizabeth Talbot, shared principles and experiences from theological and psychological standpoints to help women better cope with their daily challenges.  

Pastor Elizabeth Talbot, director of Jesus 101, one of the 7 media ministries of the North America Division, believes that anxiety can be soothed with the certainties that we find in the gospel. To her, it is a matter of us learning how to put this knowledge into practice and really trusting what is there. 

The event, that was attended by 300 women from all over GSC territories, was blessed by the messages and encouraged them to take what they've learned even further.  

"The unity of the ladies in the church depends on these events, said Wanda Vazquez  "And the sense of unity that we feel here, we take back to the other ladies at our home churches that weren't able to come," she completed.  

FEJA Retreat

Once upon a time, youth used to be the season of life for flocking. Young people hung out together everywhere and friends were creatures almost inseparable. But times changed, technology evolved and a new feature was introduced to old and new friendships: a screen. 

Though many young people are more secluded and lonely than ever before, they still want and need the physical presence of one another. Seeking to promote opportunities for young people to meet face to face and enjoy the company of one another in a Christian environment, FEJA, Federación de Jóvenes Adventistas, the Hispanic youth association from the Gulf States Conference, held its annual meeting from July 29 to July 31, at Panama City Beach.

More than 300 young people gathered together to make new friends and recommit their lives to Christ. Powerful messages delivered by Pastor Jose Rojas and singer Dani Ferras inspired and motivated the young people to share their faith with others and challenged them to aim for a greater connection with God and fellow brothers and sisters.           

Rojas, a retired pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who led many around the world to accept Jesus as their Savior, and has recently gone through a life and death experience, took the opportunity to open his heart and share personal councils on nurturing faith and Christian living.  He said the best way to leave a legacy is to make what he lived for come alive in other people. Therefore, this meeting was also a particularly special opportunity for him to instill in the youth the desire to share the gospel everywhere they go.         

The youth responded to the appeal, and one young man was baptized.

2022 Prayer Summit

We all know that prayer is the breath of the soul. We are invited to live a life of prayer, asking and surrendering every need, wish and worry to Christ Jesus, trusting that He hears us. Seeking to nourish the spiritual life through prayer, church members from the Gulf States Conference and members from outside of our territory gathered in Talladega, Alabama the weekend of August 19 for the 2022 Annual Prayer Summit.

Marilyn Arnould is from Kansas City, Missouri. The first time she came to GSC's annual Prayer Summit five years ago, she came as a friend's guest. But the experience was so powerful that she hasn't missed any of the annual events ever since. The fellow brothers and sisters who attend the meetings as well as the guest speakers, are a highlight. But the atmosphere of peace and joy throughout the days of prayer are the elements granted by the Holy Spirit to orchestrate the change in people.  

"I always come away from here renewed and refreshed," Arnould said. "And my husband says I am much nicer when I come home," she giggled.   

The theme for the 2022 Annual Prayer Summit was: “For Such a Time as This! Are You Ready for Jesus to Come? ” and spiritual messages were conducted by Dr. Nadine Collins, pastor Stanley Luntungan, and pastor Murvin Camatchee.

"It was a great spiritual experience where we could feel the Holy Spirit, and there was a great fellowship where we could connect with each other and pray for each other," Camatchee said.

The anointing service led by Pastor Larry Owens was one of the most special moments for the 50 people who attended the event. Pastors, leaders, and lay members were anointed to continue like Queen Esther, serving Christ and interceding for God's people even at the cost of their own lives.   

Mary Nelson, GSC Prayer Ministry coordinator, said this was a Spirit-filled event from beginning to end. But according to her, the intimate atmosphere with the divine presence makes the departure the most challenging part of the experience. 

"Every time we have a prayer summit, lives are transformed," Nelson said.  "And every prayer meeting, we don't want to leave; we just want to linger a little longer in His presence," she added.

That is a good enough reason for our Missourian sister Marilyn to face the 750-mile distance to get even closer to God as she prays with her GSC brothers and sisters. 

Young Adult Ministries Retreat

The Young Adult Ministries, YAM, held its first youth retreat from August 5th to 7th in Panama City, Florida.

"Get Connected" was an initiative geared to unite the young people from across the Gulf States Conference and provided the opportunity for the 50 young adults who attended the meeting to meet face to face, spend time in nature, and reconnect with God. 

Spiritual devotionals were conducted by Danny Verdugo, the youth pastor at the Burleson Adventist Church in Texas. He addressed the problem of distance, especially the thoughts that make us feel far away from God, and how our relationships can be re-established.  To Verdugo, our relationship with God is a matter of identity.

"Through knowing our true identity, fostering interpersonal relationships, and creating a culture of mentorship, our vertical connection with God grows stronger as well as our horizontal connections," he said.

Those who have attended are already looking forward to next year's retreat. So start preparing and "get connected"!

Adventure & Pathfinder Leadership Training

The importance of acquiring knowledge, the will to put it into practice, and the need to constantly train your skills are among the priceless principles one takes to live from a journey in Pathfinders.

Anyone who's been a Pathfinder knows that the path to leadership begins early, perhaps in the Adventurers Club, and it requires focus, determination, and discipline to become a master.  

To develop an acute sense of awareness and the will to continue learning throughout life is a challenge posed by Christ, our Master to those who want to be His disciples. Therefore, both church workers and volunteers should seek to participate in training and seminars that can help them better understand the times and trends that shape our culture and also train and sharpen their skills to advance the gospel. 

The Adventurers and Pathfinders leadership training seminar lasted from August 12 to 14 at Camp Alamisco, Alabama. The purpose of Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) is to provide the framework for lifelong training. 

Ivan Lugo, the Pathfinder Chair for GSC, said that this event is "critical to providing this training seminar to enable the directors and staff to return to their home clubs and provide the best program possible for our children."

Every year, the Gulf States Conference promotes Adventurer, Pathfinder & Master Guide leadership Training to prepare the volunteers who work with the children and teenagers to serve best our communities, our families, and our Lord.

Agape Company changes Status

We are delighted to announce that the Agape Company from Tupelo, Mississippi, has achieved church status as of August 13. The ceremony was attended by many church members and church officials who gathered to dedicate the new enterprise, whose official name is now: Tupelo Hispanic Adventist Church. 

After the service, we spoke to Gulf States' Conference Executive Secretary Martin Fancher, who confidently affirmed that "the best days of this church are still ahead. His statement resonated with Pastor Brian Danese's sermon that urged the church to be a lighthouse in the community. 

"Now our responsibility is that this place becomes a place where the community can come for help," said the new church's First Elder Edgar Maldonado. "A place where broken families can find in Christ a restoring solution, a place for those in need who wander in the streets can find the peace and refuge that this church can provide them. It is a great responsibility that we are taking upon ourselves, but we've only taken it because we are holding Jesus' hand," he added.     

Tupelo Hispanic, which began as a group, became a company and moved to church status thanks to the New Albany Church that nurtured and supported it, both spiritually and financially, as it matured. 

According to the district's Pastor Jorge Belisario, "This has been a long and challenging path, but we can say that 'thus far the Lord has helped us.'" 

We ask you to continue to pray for their continuous growth.

We welcome new BASS principal

We are excited to introduce you to our new Principal, Mr. Derrick Collins!

Mr. Collins was born in the south but has not lived here for very long. His mother is a native of Mississippi.

In his free time he enjoys CrossFit, cycling, and listening to audio books (note, listening to books means that he can multitask).

He enjoys traveling and experiencing new places and cultures.

He says "Fun fact, I wanted to be a professional singer when I grew up but instead I get to be a principal and serve God, which I think is awesome!"

New pastor at Montgomery First

Pastor Robson DeOliveira

The Gulf States Conference also welcomes Pastor Robson DeOliveira as the new pastor of Montgomery first and Clinton SDA churches. He has been a Pastor for 35 years attending churches in Texas, California, and also in Canada. DeOliveira was born in Brazil and dreamt of being a physician. But the Lord changed his plans and called him to mend hearts and souls instead. We wish blessings upon Pastor DeOliveira, his churches, and his ministry here at the GSC.